JM Blogs

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Review: Speaker for the Dead | By: Orson Scott Card



 Speaker for the Dead is the sequel of Enders Game, a novel which I reviewed a while back. In Speaker for the Dead, three-thousand years have passed since the genocide, or "xenocide" of the Buggers, the name "Ender," is universally damned, it is anathema. There are many "Speakers" who tell the truth of the dead, such as Andrew Wiggin, speaker for San Angelo, all originating from the first speaker who spoke the death of the Buggers in the "bible" of all speakers entitled, "The Hive Queen and The Hegemon". In order to best understand and enjoy Speaker for the Dead reading Ender's Game is a must.  Andrew Wiggin heads to Lusitania, a colony in the far reaches of the Hundred Worlds to speak the death of Pipo, a xenologer, a scientist studying the Piggies, the only other intelligent species humankind has ever encountered, other than of course, the extinct Buggers. 

Ratings: An enjoyable, quick, and easy to understand novel exploring further into the story of the Andrew Wiggin and the imagination of Orson Scott Card. 

Hello, World! This is my "Hairy Truth".

This is me. Hi. I joined the inaugural  2020 NYC Microfiction Contest and this was my humble submission. In the first round, I was assigned...