JM Blogs

Monday, June 6, 2022

Review: EX MACHINA (Compendium One) By: Brian K. Vaughan, Tony Harris, Tom Feister, and JD Mettler

     Ex Machina, is a graphic novel of both politics and the simple topic of "superhero". The Great Machine to be exact. The Great Machine, has the power to speak to any electronic-powered machine. Over the course of the first (out of two) compendiums, he saves the city during the 9/11, helps the city rebuild, fights crime, and becomes mayor. Of course, due to his position as mayor, his business as a vigilante, A.K.A The Great Machine, must be stopped, immediately. Nevertheless, the hero he was, he still is. Through his mayoral term(s), he acts as an uncorrupt, try-your-best, stand by justice mayor, and just by choosing to be good and helping out the city as best he can, he became New York's newest hero, the successor to The Great Machine: "Mayor Mitchell Hundred".

Ratings: A story telling both sides, of a "do-good" citizen, and that of a hero coming from the same person. Both perspectives of the person doing their best to be the hero they should be. Something similar to many but different in so many ways. Similar but different. An interesting tale, which I regard as one of best stories (comic, graphic novel, whatever you wish to call it), in history (in my opinion of course).

Age Rating: 13+ (swearing, gore, and some nudity)


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